what to take for feet and leg cramps

Leg cramps tin strike out of the blue and cause excruciating pain. Information technology tin last for less than a minute or torture you for much longer. Many people suffer from leg cramps primarily at night.

It occurs due to involuntary contractions or spasms of the muscles in your legs. It can impact the calf muscles, thigh muscles and even involve the hamstrings and quadriceps.

Leg cramps tin set on anyone including both children and adults, but pregnant women and the elderly may exist more prone to it.

Leg cramps can cause excruciating pain

You lot are also more than likely to endure from lower leg cramps if you practice exercises that rely heavily on the leg muscles, such as recreational running, weight preparation using the legs or sports that require a lot of running.

Other risk factors include nutritional deficiencies, musculus fatigue, aridity, alcoholism, kidney failure, thyroid issues, Type ii diabetes, vascular disease, being overweight, imbalance of electrolytes, circulatory problems, hormonal imbalance, neural disorders and restless legs syndrome.

Leg cramps tin can be very painful and oft occur suddenly, just they may requite alarm signs like tingling and twitching of the muscles before you feel the abrupt pain. Other symptoms include swelling and soreness in the affected area. Likewise, when having the cramp, you may not be able to motion your leg.

If y'all experience leg cramps, you can alleviate the pain and fifty-fifty prevent the trouble with some lifestyle changes and abode remedies.

Hither are the acme 10 dwelling house remedies for leg cramps.

Home remedies for leg cramps

1. Walking or Stretching

When you take a leg cramp, the best thing that yous can exercise is appoint in some concrete activity immediately. A uncomplicated exercise similar walking will also do wonders. Walking will cause pain merely if the pain is bearable, take a slow walk for some time, and you lot volition soon feel better.

Walking or stretching can provide relief form leg cramps

Taking a walk sends a indicate to your brain that your muscle needs to contract and so relax. This will ease the tight muscles and provide relief from the discomfort.

  • Every bit before long as you have a leg balk, end everything and lightly stretch the affected area for 15 to 30 seconds at a time, then gently massage the area to relax the tight muscles.
  • Alternatively, y'all can simply walk effectually to ease the muscle tightness.
  • To reduce the gamble of having a cramp at dark, stretch your leg muscles earlier going to bed. The all-time way to do this is to ride a stationary wheel for 10 minutes before you go to bed.

In improver, you must try to exercise daily. Regular exercise helps the muscles function properly, which in turn reduces the risk of leg cramps, especially at night.

If you cannot join a gym or devote time to do intense do, effort walking. Do xxx minutes of brisk walking daily.

Caution: If stretching causes more than intense pain, cease doing information technology.

2. Massage

Massage is another effective treatment for leg cramps.

Massage to get relief from leg cramps

Massaging the cramped surface area increases circulation in the tissue, which provides a rush of new fluid to relax the tense musculus.

Withal, before using this remedy, deport in mind that massage can cause a lot of pain in the commencement but presently the pain will be gone.

  1. Use some warm olive or kokosnoot oil to the cramped area.
  2. Massage the cramped muscle with long strokes until it relaxes.
  3. After the massage, wrap the area with a warm towel and leave it on for a few hours.
  4. Repeat equally needed.

3. Epsom Table salt Soak

An Epsom salt soak is an age-old remedy for leg cramps.

Epsom salt soak for leg cramps

The magnesium in Epsom table salt promotes muscle relaxation and healing, thereby reducing the discomfort of leg cramps.

Also, this type of bath is an easy mode to forestall or correct a magnesium deficiency, a common cause of cramps.

  1. Fill your bathtub with warm water.
  2. Add together 2 cups of Epsom common salt and stir it thoroughly.
  3. Soak in this bath for 20 minutes.
  4. Usually, taking this bath once volition take intendance of the trouble.

Caution: People who have heart problems, loftier claret pressure level, or diabetes should not use an Epsom common salt bath.

iv. Apple Cider Vinegar

To combat leg cramps, apple cider vinegar is as well effective. It is rich in minerals similar potassium that help reduce the frequency, intensity, and pain of leg cramps.

Use apple cider vinegar for leg cramps

Plus, apple cider vinegar helps control the fluid balances in the body, thus preventing dehydration, a mutual cause of leg cramps.

  • To ease a leg cramp, mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm water. Drink this tonic and shortly you will become relief from the discomfort.
  • To prevent leg cramps, mix i teaspoon each of apple tree cider vinegar and honey and 1 tablespoon of calcium lactate in half a glass of warm water. Drinkable this solution daily before going to bed to forestall the problem.

five. Blackstrap Molasses

Some other time-tested remedy for leg cramps is blackstrap molasses.

Use blackstrap molasses for leg cramps

Beingness rich in calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B6 and selenium, blackstrap molasses helps ease the tight muscles. This, in turn, lessens the discomforts of leg cramps.

  1. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of blackstrap molasses into i cup of warm milk.
  2. Drink it daily for a few weeks.

half-dozen. Xanthous Mustard

This may sound foreign but many people have reported getting firsthand relief from leg cramps only eating a spoonful of yellow mustard.

Use yellow mustard for leg cramps

The verbal reason why it works is withal not clear, merely its pungent gustation is believed to trigger neuronal stimulation which regulates nerve office, thus influencing the nerves causing the leg balk.

  • Consume 1 teaspoon of yellow mustard as before long as you feel a leg cramp. Information technology will help save the pain within minutes.
  • If you do not accept yellow mustard and then you can try having an ounce of pickle juice.

vii. Warm Compress

Applying a warm compress to the surface area of your leg that is cramping can help a lot.

Use warm compress for leg cramps

Heat relaxes muscles and helps reduce the pain, tightness or cramping.

  • Place a heating pad over the cramped area. Utilize the heat until you experience more than comfortable.
  • Alternatively, soak a towel in warm water, wring out the backlog water and place it on the cramped expanse until the towel cools. Echo every few minutes until the pain is gone.

viii. Potassium

A potassium deficiency in the body can contribute to leg cramps.

Potassium for leg cramps

Potassium is one of the electrolytes that work with sodium to maintain your cells' electrical charges. Proper electrical accuse in the cells helps control muscle contractions and functioning.

When the body is low in potassium, the cells are not able to control muscle contractions, which leads to legs cramps.

Brand certain to become plenty potassium in your diet. Adept sources of potassium include bananas, dates, apricots, grapes, cabbage, broccoli, oranges, grapefruit, fish, pork, and lamb.

ix. Magnesium

Magnesium deficiency is often related to cramps. In fact, doctors often recommend magnesium for treating muscle cramps in meaning women.

Magnesium for leg cramps

This mineral is of import for muscle health. It stimulates calcium reuptake that helps maintain stiff muscles and foreclose cramps.

Moreover, magnesium aids the absorption of potassium, which is also important for musculus performance.

If you lot often experience leg cramps, get your magnesium level checked. If you have a magnesium deficiency, swallow foods rich in magnesium like pumpkin seeds, spinach, kale, almonds, avocados, bananas, beans, tofu, soy milk, cashews, pecans, walnuts, potatoes with the peel and blackstrap molasses.

If you want to accept a supplement, consult your doctor kickoff.

ten. Water

Dehydration is another mutual cause of leg cramps. To prevent the trouble, make certain to drink an acceptable amount of h2o throughout the twenty-four hour period.

Increase water intake for leg cramps

Water is of import for muscle health. Try to drink a minimum of 8 to ten spectacles of water a day to prevent dehydration and cramping. To know whether you are drinking plenty water, check the colour of your urine. Clear urine signals adequate hydration, while xanthous urine signals inadequate hydration.

Forth with h2o, swallow more water-based fruits and vegetables to reduce the chance of dehydration and prevent leg cramps.

Also, avoid drinking too much tea, coffee, alcohol and carbonated beverages, equally these tin beal the condition rather than help matters.

Additional Tips

  • Eating fermented foods can assistance ease painful leg cramps.
  • Drinking sports drinks with electrolytes can be useful in preventing the problem.
  • To better blood circulation and prevent leg cramps, take 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast per day.
  • Being low in B vitamins can also increase cramps. Get more than B vitamins by eating eggs, grass-fed meat, fish, whole grains, and legumes.
  • Stay abroad from alcohol, every bit it can cause aridity, a common crusade of leg cramps.
  • You lot can keep a bar of any brand of soap betwixt the sheets at the human foot of your bed. Though not scientifically proven, this old wives' tale works every bit a preventive measure.
  • Wear proper footwear while exercising to prevent putting actress pressure on the muscles and causing cramping.
  • Drinking a glass of warm milk before going to slumber is an effective way to prevent leg cramps.
  • Drinking ginger tea, chamomile tea or raspberry tea likewise works as an excellent leg cramp remedy.


Source: https://www.top10homeremedies.com/home-remedies/home-remedies-leg-cramps.html

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